Meagan is so politically stupid (difference being the definition between ignorance & stupidity) and I say that selectively. Meagan said she is taking politics out of it & that is a bold faced lye. Stick to the subject Meagan! The subject was the POLITICAL REPUBLICAN RALLY that the Vice President lied to the public about the Virus #'s for the political gain of the rally. That was not a subject/nor needed an "analogy" for any other outside opinion examples (unless you want the example of the president having smoke bombs thrown at a crowd of peaceful protestors so he could get on TV in front of millions to make himself look even more like the legend in his own mind). Use that example for discussion if you are going to switch examples and/or deflect from the subject matter for your own "I'm not talking politics" example. I challenge Meagan to volunteer each day for one month (3 days each wk) to NAACP office to get a realistic view of the differences of some of the challenges they face even as the organizational difference made for allowances in their organization due to who they represent, so she can get a clue (even a clue) of what it 's like to be considered (as we do) a human endangered species bcz of the color of your skin.