"Siren 108," directed by Antony Bhagyaraj, is a Tamil action thriller that centers on Thilagan, an honest ambulance driver in Kanchipuram, who is wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife, Jennifer, and his friend Kathir. After spending 14 years in prison, Thilagan is granted parole for 14 days, during which he seeks revenge against Anbazhagan and DSP S. Nagalingam for the deaths of Jennifer and Kathir, and attempts to reconcile with his daughter, Malar, who harbors resentment towards him for his alleged crimes.
Jayam Ravi delivers a compelling performance as Thilagavarman, showcasing both his veteran acting skills and emotional depth, which effectively garners viewer support for his character. Keerthy Suresh's portrayal of Inspector K. Nandhini, while competent, occasionally veers into overacting, and her character lacks the depth and backstory needed to fully engage the audience. Yogi Babu provides comic relief as Velankanni, although his role feels somewhat underutilized in the overall narrative.
The film's pacing is a bit slow at the start, with the true motives and backstory unfolding more prominently in the second half. However, once the action kicks in, the stylized sequences, sound effects, and musical score enhance the viewing experience.
Samuthirakani delivers a solid performance as DSP S. Nagalingam, although his character feels somewhat familiar due to similarities with his previous roles. Ajay as Anbazhagan serves as a convincing antagonist, adding tension and conflict to the story.
Yuvina Parthavi impresses in her limited role as Malar, Thilagan's daughter, bringing depth and emotion to the character. However, the film could have benefited from further exploration of her character's arc and involvement in the plot.
Overall, "Siren 108" succeeds as a weekend masala movie, offering gripping action and entertainment for audiences. While it has its flaws, particularly in character development and pacing, it remains an enjoyable watch for fans of the genre.