I think the majority of these reviews are by people, who in fact, didn’t see the movie. As amusing as these reviews are please disregard the majority of them. That being said here is my two cents long story short... The director was great. The plot at the beginning had would could’ve been all the elements and building blocks to what should be a great watch. The first half of movie leading up to the Bigfoot was well done. It does a great job at implementing elements of realism to make the story somewhat believable. It then takes a hard immediate downhill turn when the Bigfoot scenes begin. To be completely honest I felt like I was watching another movie at that point. Let me say this, I’m a big Sam Elliot fan. I’m also a huge inglorious basterds fan. I also love everything Bigfoot as I’m fascinated with the notion and theory of all that is Bigfoot. That being said the movie takes a turn for the worst when Sam Elliot begins his rather anti-climactic hunt of Bigfoot. LITERALLY, the first scene of his hunt opens with him shooting a small gangly ape like creature in the head. At that point I immediately cringed in hopes that this wasn’t their potrayl of the legendary “BIGfoot”. Turns out it was when not but 5 mins later Sam Elliot kills it. In all complete seriousness it’s smaller than Sam Elliot. Which doesn’t make sense even based off the movies own depiction of Bigfoot when the pictures of Bigfoot prints shown to Sam Elliot are BIG FOOTPRINTS!!! You also get one too many close ups of the mysterious, evasive, and legendary beast. The makeup and costume looked like a malnourished chimpanzee. The face looked like a monkey with black eyes and no nose. It lets out a sad pathetic squeal of a “roar”. IT SUCKED. All in all it was a huge let down with too much time spent on Sam Elliot’s love life and his “sad” existence, depression, and psychological issues due to his “regrets” of what the movie depicts as him saving humanity by killing a disease spreading Bigfoot beast and killing one of the biggest villains to ever walk the earth. It had all the elements to make a great “Tarantino” style film. It could’ve been an action movie buff’s wet dream. You have the asassination of hitler, then a what could’ve been an epic Liam Neison style hunt of Bigfoot. How could you blow this???!!! It’s sad really. The movie could’ve been so good. HUGE LETDOWN. The writers of this movie should be ashamed.