I think it is bloody pathetic. Sam Armitage let the people down with the interview on the Brumbies. We are Australia, we vote for our heritage and culture. The people of Australia have to vote but we did not vote for the murder of our National horses in the Snowy Region. We love our wild horses, they are beneficial to the National Park. Preventing bush fires and attracting tourists. Our World War one diggers would not be impressed with the culling or shooting of our brave descendants. If you cannot stand up for our animals you should go to the middle east where they are not respected. I will never watch Sunrise again and have spread her interview far and wide. Australia should be ashamed. Thousands of residents and people that love our brumbies will continue to fight to save them Minister Pyne is a murderer and families had to witness the aerial culling at Singleton of shooting the horses from a helicopter. Organisations were forbidden to rescue them. Bloody murderous and barbaric. Do your research Sam before opening your mouth.