The writers seemed to want try a George R.R. Martin Game of Thrones switch up with the "bad guys" but fails, understandably, as well be heavily influenced from the show Walking Dead. Granted this is a post apocalyptic zombie like (I know infected) game so there would be a vibe like that, but even story's plot seems hollow like a throw-away walking dead episode. It is worth a play and judge for yourself, but I would wait for a sale. It really feels like a knock-off from what the first Last of Us was and what Naughty Dog could do, probably because it took so long in development hell, no telling how many changes and such had to be made, if there wasn't any then that is even more unfortunate. I do wonder if, and what, they will do next, not just if they do a Last of Us 3, but in a general direction as a whole for the company.