At first, I was incredibly hesitant and perhaps a bit worried this sequel will be disappointing. I have seen some unoriginal reviews of “Find me” on the web, and to be honest, none of them was encouraging enough (to say the least).. CMBYN has put a spell on so many of us, including myself. The story was so new, so fresh, so unique, so beautifully put together none1 wanted to see it end and many had a lot of hopes for Elio and Oliver.
“Find me” finds a way to break through the time gaps in the last pages of CMBYN which, in my opinion was very cleverly made. It introduces two new points of view Samuel’s and Oliver’s, giving the plot a completely new dimension. For the first time in the CMBYN universe, we get to know what Oliver’s thinking and feeling which is interesting as it doesn’t completely mirror Elio’s way of thinking but there is definitely many similarities..
“Find me” is a much different book. Different characters, different approach to the timeline, New Narratives, yet, it doesn’t disappoint. It is a beautiful romance. It embraces the power of true love and passion, the same way CMBYN has introduced it to us in 2007. Talks about life, the way it is,e.i., hardly ever exceeding our expectations, full of twists and ups and downs. “Find me” keeps you excited and in suspense till the very last page as nothing is set in stone till the last chapter, the last page, the last romantic dialogue with sunset on the horizon ;)
I highly recommend it. “Find me” is a much! more mature continuation of a love story that shaped hopes of many gay men in the last couple of years and, for generations to come.