This is funnier than it is scary. Muddled metaphors and messages get tangled up in each other to the point where a good 10min of the movie is needed to explain what in fact is going on in two fairly lackluster monologues and well executed movies don't need that kind of narration. Even then it leaves simple things unexplained that when all is said could've been left out. For those saying it's a metaphor and it's good to have things left unexplained, yes it is when it's executed well and when all is said and done it makes the movie more compelling. Sadly this time it doesn't. Just because subtle metaphors exist in films doesn't mean they're done well.
It looks and sounds amazing and the acting and casting is excellent. What a shame there are more plot holes added to the story when it all wraps up with a decent twist in the end and the pacing drags so often.