People are already familiar with superhero movie genres (like MCU) - state-of-the-art special effects, top-notch action, eye-catching action, clear good and evil, usually divided into two lines of good - bad characters fight with each other. Joker appears as a new breeze, the film with dark colors, heavy psychology, multiple meanings. The film also has a villain, but it seems that besides the Joker, all the remaining characters are villains, he alone with his desire, with his soul and body have been trampled to the extreme against both "world". The majority of moviegoers are young people, including those who once loved the Joker of The Dark Knight. The Joker in TDK is much more crazy from thinking to acting out through action. He lives for his IDEAL, making Harley Quinn crazy with him. Joaquin's Joker is also crazy but crazy in a more life-like manner, with more psychological changes, making the audience think more. And so among the heads who have seen Endgame, there are some who have not felt the Joker, have not been familiar with such a heavy psychological drama after days of watching and waiting for the super products blockbusters, romance movies, live - action movies and even horror movies. And although I disagree with Martin Scorsese's opinion that "Marvel movies are not movies", I understand he has his reasons for saying so. Please review Joker a few more times to feel the full meaning of the movie, I myself could not understand all the messages that the film sent, so I will definitely have to watch it again. please don't say that Joker is "bored", "sleepy", "not as good as Joker in TDK", ... something like that. Because it's not natural that Joker is so appreciated. 😉