I didn't read the books and as a viewer,I found the series basic RPG. Characters are so typical,events are predictable and from the beginning everything seems so repetitive.
And last but not least,the show tries so hard to envolve every culture from countries but it doesn't seem very good to me. It feels forced.
* Spoilers ahead *
Even the logics doesn't make sense. Trollocs(?) Slaughtered a village and follow the company to a cursed city then VANISHED for the next mounth. The fade did too; Mat and rand traveled from the barn to the city in a month without any problem. And when they arrived,they didn't go straight to the white tower to see if their friends reached there. they decided to spend a night in a tavern of whatever. I was like "why?????"
Everything about episode 6 bothered me.
I hope the rest of series would be better than this.