Doctor Who is reborn!!! The show has a cinematic look that now gives it an epic feel. Jodie has made the role her own with series 11, surrounded by diverse companions (her fam...) Her resourcefulness is amazing, I have never seen the Doctor make a sonic screwdriver until the 13th, especially using “Sheffield Steel”. I love the return to historicals with Rosa and Demons of the Punjab. Keblam! reminded me of Classic Who and Witchfinders showed how misuse of power led to many innocent deaths. The new Tardis is a return to form with a single level, and the “Fortress of Solitude” look distinguished itself among all the desktop themes. I only wish is that the BBC split series 12 to air part in fall 2019 and the rest in Spring 2020, because I don’t want to wait more than a whole year before we get to see more Doctor Who like they did with the gap between series 9 and 10.