This movie was refreshing; I’ve never seen a movie capture the uniqueness of Bay Areans who grew up in the 1990s like this. The cast, like the SF Bay Area, is diverse but that’s not why it resonated with me. Each character had his/her nuanced, multidimensional personality. For example, Jenny reminded me of many of the hippies I encountered in Santa Cruz who claimed to want to save the world but were just sel-interested opportunists. I heard a lot of criticism of the Marcus/Sasha match being incredible. I don’t agree; Marcus is the quintessential charming cool San Francisco band dude, whereas, Sasha comes off as an unfun high strung disingenuous workaholic. Sasha’s continued friendship with Veronica, who is true blue old school Bay Area, makes her more enduring, and reveals to viewers that there is more to Sasha than meets the eye. As a first generation SF Bay Area American, I applaud this movie for portraying diverse American characters in nonstereotypical roles. Bravo!