Okay look I'm gonna say it because no one else will. I love the characters, music, and story. But the dungeon crawling aspect and combat system of this game is SO bad it is legitimately the worst JRPG I've ever played. Tl;dr my complaints are buggy, BUGGY overworld enemies that will basically always get the turn advantage on you because they just warped through a wall or your katana took like 3 seconds to swing. And then because of the RAZOR'S EDGE unforgiving nature of this game, you better pray and pray you don't get critted or they have some strong against you move. If they do, you're absolutely boned. If the main character dies, its game over. It's not a SENSIBLE jrpg where you lose when ALL your party members die. Sometimes just because the developers like frustrating their playerbase, they'll have a treasure chest with enemies inside and there is absolutely no way of knowing there's an enemy in there. Basically 100% de-incentivizing treasure hunting unless you know you won't get critted to death because lets face it: game overs in this game are really annoying. Your respawn point may be uncomfortably far away, and any progress made in terms of EXP or Items are gone.
This game is not a challenge. It is legitimately a matter of having time to burn because you know that you will spend a good amount of time just trying to re-trace your steps because of gameplay design and bugs not in your control.
Otherwise, the graphics and hardware are ridiculously outdated even in the time it had come out in 2008.
Do yourself a favor: put on a pair of those 3D glasses. You'll need them to see past the BS that makes this game completely unplayable. If you like the characters and story and music, you'll find them all amply represented in the anime.