After watching your Sunday, December 9 report on anti-Semitism as a response to the awful killing of Jews in a Synagogue in Pittsburg, it was clear to me that your political leanings (left) lead you to believe that anti-Semitism happens exclusively among people from the right. You showed white supremacists marching on the street, and showed a tall gate, Auschwitz style, with the words “Machen Amerika Great.” An obvious comment that wants to equate our President’s national pride to Nazism. It is unclear to me how you fail to see that Fascism can also come from the left, who is convinced that the only ideology acceptable in America is their ideology. That it is punishable to think differently and have even established a specific language (politically correct) to be used on every social occasion. In your report is absent that Muslims in America and all over the world are the main source of anti-Semitism. The holy book of Muslims states that Jews are nothing but pigs who should be destroyed. Nowadays there is a new form of anti-Semitism. A new form that disguises the old anti-Semitism (politically incorrect), and that is the anti-Zionist or anti-Israel dribble. News flash, anti-Semitism at present comes mostly from the left. Do you even remember that Barack Obama for 20 years attended a church where their spiritual leader, Reverend Right, was an open anti-Semite, who went so far as to claim that Jesus, a Jew, was black? Have you ever heard Jimmy Carter blame Israelis for Palestinian attacks against Israel? He seems to have adopted the Palestinians cause, to destroy Israel and kill the Jews, as his own. Have you seen Bill Clinton sitting two seats away from Louis Farrakhan (“Judaism is a gutter religion”) interacting affably with Jesse Jackson (“Chaimie town”), another open anti-Semite? All Sharpton, whom many black people idolize and consider their leader, and his anti-Semite rants?
So, the news is that anti-Semitism does not only come from right wing people. As a matter of fact, according to the ADL a great percentage of new anti-Semites come from the left. So next time if you ever do a similar report, please include Muslims, Democrat Presidents and Blacks.