What hooked me with this drama is that it is a liitle bit mixed of Hotel Del Luna and Bride of Habaek, and so I was so binge to watch the first episodes but lost it starting around episode 10 because for me, some actings were a bit off. And it's kinda sickening for me to have main lead whom to be so crybaby (cant blame her for her character tho). And sorry but for me, Tae Ri doesnt suit the imoogi role. Episode 15 was the climax, and one best thing 'bout this drama is that it's action scenes wont disappoint you! it's 100/10 for me!
Can I say that the ending was a... typical korean-drama-ending... you cant be happy without getting sad. and everyone's a bit confused with the last minute's ending.
Watch it and have a conclusion/thoughts 'bout the ending ;)
overall, it is worth watching! ♡