This needs a proper review unlike everyone else. A true sonic game is something that feels good to play. Not only half of it. In the modern sonic stages the enemys dont even hurt you if you go near them, From Manias success the Phantom Ruby could have been used so much better, infinite was a great character but they ruined most stuff he did along with alot of bad guys in the game. Like Chaos and Metal Sonic. Chaos was a character we waited for a long time and what do they do? They kill him before we even get a battle. Speaking of actually. Classic Sonic feels horrible. His controls have Zero momentum it feels like im playing sonic 4. The story can be beat in 3 hours and its not good. You go through tne same stage multiple times. But that doesnt mean this game was God Awful. They had a good idea to bring wisps back with a custom character, along with an intriuing story that just wasnt executed properly with too many stages being just remakes of old ones.
Therefore what i have to say is sonic forces is far from great but its far from being awful aswell. I say maybe Play it if you want something to do. But i dont reccomend this game if you want to play one all the way through