Paul’s book, “Get Squared, Goal Getting with Balance”, is amazing. I found so many helpful ideas that I highlighted the heck out of it!!
I’ve always known setting goals was good, Paul has been telling me that for years, but I love how he compares the odds of succeeding with goals done wrong to that of gambling at the roulette table. He said it’s like putting your money on the same number on the roulette table over and over again. I don’t gamble but that analogy hit home for me. I should say, I don’t gamble at the roulette table, but now I see I have been gambling on goals done wrong for years.
I also love the analogy of saying I’m getting up at 6am rather than saying I’m setting an alarm for 6am. Goal getting, not goal setting!
One of my favorite things was how Paul brought Ben Franklin’s Time Management system into our daily efforts to be better. I loved when he asked, “Imagine where our world might be if each of us started our day by asking, ‘What good will I do today?’ and ended our day by asking, ‘What good have I done today?’” I totally believe that is true and reading it made me want to try harder to do something good each day.
Another thing that was extremely helpful to me was Paul talking about blocking out time to do the things on my list. I am one that easily gets side tracked. I have always been good at making my lists but many times come to the end of the day and find that I had not completed many of the important things on that list. I’ve been trying to plan a day or a week ahead and block off time. That has helped! Thank you, Paul!!
I think the best endorsement of Paul's book I could give is the fact that I bought a copy for my daughter. She is the Director of Business Intelligence in the company she works for. She has a team of five people. As I read this book, I felt like it would be very helpful to her. When I told her what the book was about and what Paul was like, she got very excited to get the book and read it!
Finally, I have read Paul’s book twice now and learned things both times. The best thing I like about Paul’s book is that, as you read, you feel like he sincerely cares about you as a person. He cares about how you feel about yourself and how you can serve others. I’ve known Paul for many years, and that’s just the way he is! I can highly recommend his book to you!
With LOTS of appreciation to Paul, Bill Allen