I just watched this movie and I felt compelled to express how great it was. It wasn’t a cringe type of love story but one that had true meaning. What could keep 2 people connected forever even if you began to lose the gift of memories you once had of the other person. The way this movie captured this was thought provoking and heart moving. To what lengths would you go to savor every moment with this person. To create new memories and yet try to hold on to old ones. A lot more could be said and I know it’s “ just a movie” but to me what makes a movie great is when it can transport you to a time or place all the while making you feel as if you are there. Immersed in every thought, sight, touch and feeling. And by the end you feel as though you have been taken on a wild ride that doesn’t stop when the movie ends but keeps you thinking and reflecting on it well beyond the ending credits. So much so that you allow what you have seen to positively propel you forward in real life. I could say so much more but you’d be stuck reading this review instead of watching this movie!