Best Disney movie I’ve ever watched, THIS MOVIE IS EVERYTHING, i luvvvv the songs so much cant wait until they release it at YouTube, I was obsessed with frozen since i was 8 now I’m 14 and still obsessed with it, I could watch this movie 73847529 times I would never get bored 🥺, I HOPE THERE IS FROZEN 3 🥺🥺😭, I could wait another 6 years for it this movie deserve everything, I guess I was the most person in the world EXCITED for this movie i always listen to ( any song from frozen [evan na na na hey na]) AT LEASTT twice on a week, and now I always shout in any random time “ AHHHH HHAAAA AHAHA AHHH” my family always get annoyed of me, they’re like “😒😒”.
However I need the songs on YouTube right nowww I canntttt waittt pleasee🥺😭🥺🥺.