I thought this movie was really shocking and I did enjoy it. It’s not one for the records by any means and it was VERY predictable. I wrote down the very moment I knew what was gonna happen, that was 23 minutes In. There were some just very memorable moments that blatantly tell you what will happen and that ruins the whole suspense. Also the characters were one dimensional, strong dad who loves his family, fragile mom who takes care of the kid, and young girl in distress. Seen it before and is a little stereotypical. The reason I liked it is not because the plot was exceptional or characters made it steak worthy, it just had such a great ending. It was the perfect plot twist ending with the perfect amount of psychological bending roaming around your head. It was trippy. The beginning really is what ruined it. The pacing is just weird. It feels like a video game and while they are at the hospital it really feels like one. With the wife and head nurse telling him to go back and forth. It feels like when you don’t know what to do and the characters keep saying the same stuff in a video game. So that took me out of it. It’s a good mindless movie but isn’t bringing any deep meaning or back story to the table