I couldn't play. Most sites MAKE YOU accept cookies. I just wanna play some free poker. no catch, just let us be.
Every site I have been to is corrupt. They don't like what you say, YOUR LUCK IS GONE!!
which means that they can control the odds.
Don't be fooled. You have to buy their tokens, you will SUBMIT, and shut up, or else.
There is no money to make it worthwhile for the FBI to clamp down on these thugs, so do yourself a favor, don't play, because they will alter
your mind, and make you distrust yourself. laugh at you, because you know that they are after your money, and they own you S.
Not only you will be vexed, guaranteed, but you must also understand that most players are there to tick you off. They call with garbage, get "lucky" and ruin your life, as they are laughing. Grow up. Go play in a casino