"Trance "🎥🍿 review:
I gonna write this review in simple way and it's not to hurt any1 it's just my opinion.kindly remember this.
The movie enrolls around the priest joshua and his life. Every1 uses his talent in faulty way. The director mandatorly wants to convey something to the society. U can feel it when u watch this movie.
They mainly target Christians in this movie. Nowadays churches also behaving like schools they r conveying that u have to regularly attend to their classes nd pay fees(money) otherwise u can't gain success.
But still u can read in home if u have a good will nd desire. Work hard🤓
"Scls, clgs&churches be like: This is business. "😎
The worst thing is the priests call every1 as sinners.believe in ur own self first then god.
God is not there for u to do business. Leave the innocent people. Dont run churches for ur selfish . The priests act very very very very matured in this movie too(like in real) in front of the people and with family for the sake of money. Who knows what's there in their mind..
Nowadays society is blindly believing every1 nd everything nd gets cheated.
Every1 have their own capabilties nd thoughts-opinions nd dreams. Let people chase their dreams. Like what ur(priest) children r doing with our money.
Don't pressure any1. Sir ratan tata is a gud example for gud humanity bcs he is not using God.Dear priests, learn from ratan tata jii.
Bloody psycho pastors.... Don't try to win world ur not kingAlexander right....... Selfish Rascals&scoundrels.......