absolutely terrible movie. please never show this to someone suffering with an eating disorder. terrible portrayal of anoreixa, making it seem as if only skinny girls can have it. also a terrible portrayal of treatment. this movie is basically "free thinspo" for people with eds. the main character is an awful person who blames everyone on her ed. it also shows a whole movie of a skinny girl starving instead of a girl recovering. this movie is not inspiring at all to recovery. also the lines such as "we have a lot of [cutters] overachievers" is extremely insensitive, basically making it seem as though the main character Ellen is the perfect patient. It also doesn't show how hard eds are, and it shows no binging with the anorexia, the only other type of ed that is shown is binge eating disorder, which is portrayed by a fat poc, which is one of the only two poc in this movie. very stereotypical, horrible movie.