Played this with my 10 year old son he wanted To play a co op I had no interest in prison fair , it started slow but his excitement got me into it , glad I played it through ...(there is some stuff and language I’d would definitely say is mature)
But like so many positive reviews it’s made to be played with someone you love and are connected to . This would be great for couples especially for the ones with a partner who doesn’t see why games are any fun . Anyway we got so invested in these characters we laughed we cried we had a blast yes the storyline is a mash up of so many classic prison break movies but the cámara angles and cut scenes the action and lulls it draws you in and it’s pacing is exactly right it works builds it gets you vested in these characters the ending was jaw dropping we just stared at each other before having to play on . In the end I recommend this to anyone who wants to have a blast with a friend loved one or partner and it’s free on Xbox game pass right now . One of my most memorable gaming experiences ever . We played through it in one day only getting up for food and snacks and are going to replay today with difference characters. I can’t stress enough how attached you get to the characters . We had to hug it out after the game lol but it’s a memory me and my son will have forever these game creators should have got a reward but now a days with such a gluttony of content it got lost in the shuffle