Re firefighter convicts... Hundreds of (mostly) guys are qualified firefighters but are unable to get jobs...every year. So, why should somebody released from prison get a job before other qualified firefighters,many who have fought fires previous years? These qualified firefighters are hindered because of the budgets of cities, counties and the state.
As far as getting a dollar a day, don’t forget that they get three meals a day as well as housing, a chance at education, medical care, and other opportunities that some non criminals, such as the homeless, do not get. SQ may not be luxurious but they do have many amenities there. I have friends who live there, friends who lived there as children, and others who work there but live outside. Yes, it is a prison but these prisoners chose to do wrong. They should be proud to do something positive and help the society they have harmed.
They Should NOT have priority hiring after release.