Quick review: Campaign (NO SPOILERS) was great I really liked it and the era it was set in. I love the characters, story, and choices. Even though there was one character I don't think should be in there still this campaign is great 8/10. Multiplayer oh boy where do I begin. 1. The movement is eh like its serviceable but not the best IMO. 2. "The meta" I don't like how everyone runs the same weapons like FFAR, Gallo, and streetsweeper. No I'm not talking about warzone but every time I join a game its the same weapons and I know people will say "gEt bETtEr aT THe gaMe" but for me I wan to play COD with out getting mad or sweating each match. Other thing is me being level prestige 1 level 7 getting paired up with prestige 7 level 100 something and I haven't looked into it all well but if there is a reason I'm sorry and will change this but its annoying getting paired up with such high level people and getting ABSOLUTELY DUNKED ON by these players. Now onto zombies the best part. I for one love the zombies in fact its been the best its been. With the Easter eggs, perk system, weapon system, abilities, and camos its the best. Its up there with the likes of BO3, and BO2.