Really sweet and funny movie that I watched with my family. We all loved Dawn and her friendship with Eep!
Coming from someone who entirely loved the first movie, I still very much enjoyed this second one. I was really afraid that I wouldn't like it or that it would ruin the first for me, but I think a lot of heart was put into this movie, and it was a joy to watch. My family and I will definitely watch it again. Though, that's not to say it was perfect nor as moving as number one, but it was still a really fun movie to watch.
The movie was quite whacky, with some really strange moments, but it also had consistent clever dialogue and I really enjoyed The different take on the relationship between Eep and Dawn. I am so happy that they got to be friends, and it was so uplifting to watch them interact throughout the whole show. Obviously, I loved the thunder sister scenes, and my brother was ecstatic that Thunk got to be a part of the group too, so thumbs up for that.
I loved the similarities between Grug and Eep. It reminded me of my own father and I. Also, I'm just really happy that this movie is solely about a big family trying to get along with each other and survive. They are messy and weird and they remind me of my family, and this second movie explored the new relationships they created, as well as developing the old ones really well.
Uga and Grug had sone really great scenes, and Eep and Guy were a hilarious young couple that was endeasring all the same.
Four stars, great movie, worth the watch.