Absolute dumpster fire. Reeks of personal opinions instead of actual science experiments. At some points the narration isn't even about the data or science and it dissolves into ranting. It seems like they claim to have altruistic views (shouldn't be part of a science experiment of any sort), yet readily turn right around and start taking whacks at people; not relevant to the lack of science, but noteworthy of how immature and unprofessional this is. Grow up and follow the scientific method instead of dumping harsh sociopolitical opinions.
With that said some experiments were actually interesting and funny, but some just fell short of any reason whatsoever. The claim that dancing skills equates to your sperm count would imply that our mating habits revolved around dancing solely like other animals. If this were true wouldn't everyone be trying to dance instead of only people who liked to do it for fun? Plus the last episode was complete nonsense scientifically.
It also seems like they like to reward people with little golden stars for admitting to things that seem altruistic like recycling (not even real) or being accepting of others. But like I mentioned before they get really fired up when people are 'wrong', intentionally or not.
I just thought this would be entertaining experiments on people, but it's more of people stroking their personal opinions and ranting about things they don't like. I feel like there is no place for personal opinions in science. Plus a lot of the data is inconclusive because everyone is different. You could re-do your casting of 100 people and get completely different results.