Watched a story this morning about a father and daughter, I believe they were in an airport. Anyway, the daughter made friends with an older man and they shared a tablet for a while and apparently had a great time with each other.
The father and daughter happen to be white, while the elderly new found friend was black. When the father commented on this, he said how nice it was for these two of different generations etc. had such a good time together. The father also mentioned that they were different races, which some people, including some of the hosts of Good Morning America took exception to. Robin even said something about "at least his heart was in the right place"
The next time a story comes out about a white cop shooting a black person, or a black cop shooting a white, or any story involving different races and it is mentioned on the show, am I to assume that even though the hosts are racisists, their heart is in the right place?