I might be the only one or at least few people to say this. I am a big fan of Shounen animes. Great Shounen animes are usually deep, complicated, philosophically thought provocative, and supported by many back stories making it a masterpiece. But HxH is not one of those.It is only overrated due to simple factors such as music, anime style, and how it looks on the surface.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this show; it's entertaining; just not a brilliant piece. I can write a whole blog but let me just point out some basic reasons in here.
Everyone is only about Gon. I understand that he is the protagonist, but it is monotonously about him. Even strangers and people who doesn't know how he looks like are worried about him. There are people dying in vein in every episodes, even some of the characters that has ability to make connections with audiences even if they appeared for few minutes, die in useless manners but they don't even get mentioned because every plot revolves around Gon.
Random people praises him for little reasons everywhere, in EVERY EPISODES, whereas others usually get comparatively less praises regardless of the greater tasks or jobs they do.
The writer has a small circle of perception where Gon is in the center. The con is that it feels like he is trying to make it look complicated, sophisticated, and deep but his obsession of Gon for no credible reason makes this writing too cheesey and lame for the most part.
Killua is a great character and the way he is designed, he has a great potential to be a better written. But like the main weakness of the writer, even he couldn't develop Killua to any point beyond being Gon's shadow. It only feels like Killua is in a toxic relationship in this world.
Most of the awesome mangas are like a spider wave of plots and characters. They somehow connect all of these wave strings into a beautiful symphony making each and every characters significant. The mangaka of HxH fails to do that. It feels like he is too obsessed with Gon that he spends too much of his art focusing on Gon's surrounding.
And lastly, the weakness of this anime is also that any good writer can continue writing episodes of HxH if the original writer decides to quit. This is a big deal because it proves how the story is not a masterpiece or a perfect spider wave as others can take from where he stops.
I can only hope that people got what am saying!