Spider-Man 3 isn't "The Worst Spidey Film Ever" as some people would call it, it has its flaws sure, and it's responsible for a meme that we now all know (you probably know what I'm talking about.) but if it really was bad, why do we still go back to it? This movie is as terribly misunderstood as the villain we wanted to see in it when it was just coming out, it's a mess with a gem inside it, it was a blast of fun for people, including myself, and really it gave what it promised, it gave us the black suit and Venom, sure, not as cool as we hoped, but we saw them nonetheless, and got a memorable performance from Maguire, I was only 4 when hype began to build for this film, which I also gave into, and I remember it as one of the treasures of my childhood, you can disagree with me if you want, but in the end, we forgot the message it tried to tell us, about Revenge and Forgiveness, Pride and Humility, and Choice, things we can forget to apply in life, which eventually, after 11 years, we'll have to apply to this movie. I loved Spider-Man 3, and I say it as a long time spidey fan.