The Star Wars saga was never about critical acclaim. George Lucas couldn’t write dialogue to save himself. For me, Star Wars was always mindless entertainment, an escape from reality in a most creative and imaginative realm (I even read all the books that came out in the ‘90’s as escape from the daily stress of life). The Force, good vs. evil, hope vs. fear, friends and family were the simple issues of the original six movies. That the franchise remained a blockbuster, episode after episode, was proof that George’s formula worked. Unfortunately for long-time fans, Lucas sold his soul to Disney, who never quite “got” the magic of Star Wars. TLJ was the low point for me (TLJ remains the only Star Wars movie I would not pay to see more than once). In TROS, JJ Abrams does a great job of bringing the Star Wars saga to an appropriate ending, hiding fun Easter eggs along the way, utilizing effective symbolism and tying up loose ends. It was fun...and mindlessly entertaining again.