Original previous gen - way ahead of it's time, awesome game I loved it when I bought it on my Ps3... Eagerly waiting for single player DLC, online was meh
remaster (I bought on 360 THEN ps4 when I changed console - It was a graphical improvement enough to just about justify a re release, still no sign of single player DLC and the online is still meh
Pc remaster - I built a gaming pc and wanted to see how the game would look pushed to its current limits, it was more for the sake of it than anything else, the upgrade was slight and online? I dunno I didn't check because... it's meh and btw where is single player dlc yet?!?!?!
eNhAnCeD eDiTioN next gen (apparently) - Are we a joke to you? how much money can you take and still give nothing in DLC apart from greedy money making online schemes.
Old R* used to get me exited for releases that were fun and slightly edgy + supported releases with new decent content
new R* wants all the monies for online, abandons single player once it's rolled out
I've payed around £200 for the same game and they still want MORE