Thank you James for clearing the air and accepting the mistake.
If Jimin still allows you to be Papa Mochi - I accept it too.
Namjoon, as leader of BTS says it’s alright, I appreciate your apology- I will too. BTS will always be forgiving and humble, something we all should strive for.
How dare you. What exactly did you get out of making comments about 15yr old girls. Mind there is nothing wrong with 15 year old females. The way society portrays females in general is ridiculous. You are just like every other westerner to use BTS/ARMY for clout then shows your true self. Take that Papa Mochi off of your Twitter profile, you don’t deserve it.
Even if it was a joke, how disappointing you are. Females have been separated as the ‘lesser gender’ and have been fighting for our right to wear clothes we want, have the right to walk down the street without cat calls, and any other thing that females have had to pay for with blood sweat and tears.
If you knew BTS at all, you would know that their fandom is made up of all skin colors, ages, genders, and gender identities. That what BTS represents to ARMY and ARMY to BTS is a safe haven, a place to be yourself. Where we cherish each other.
I may be 1 ARMY in a Million ARMYs, but I know that BTS - loves each one of us.
BTS would never have imagined that you would say something like that about the ARMYs they love so much.
Do you need a history lesson on what BTS is to their country and to the rest of the world? What they have achieved and have been a part of. To belittle BTS as you had intended with your 15year old girls comment….
You are part of the problem, stop being part of the problem.
Do better.