I rate this a 5 out of 5 stars due to the possibilities and expectations it achieves, this game really does what nintendon't. Never in my life would imagine playing Waluigi against Goku (besides Mods but this is really accessible). But also it puts a spin on old characters move sets, some characters moves sets have changed entirely while others are either tweaked or changed a bit, but also Kirby's up special FINALLY SPIKES! With updates coming almost constantly, there's a possibility that a new character or mechanic or change to be added when a patch is released, McLeodGaming, continue your work and make the game the greatest it can be. (also the knockback is pretty fast compared to actual smash games that aren't brawl or smash for Wii U and 3DS)
Edit: I Also forgot to mention that the speed in the game is actually good, if you see this and you have discord, my user is Ren#6322