Absolutely fantastic ❤️
The whole team is incredible🤩
Especially for me cuz I'm astronomy lover and I littraly felt all of the scenes in the rover personally and imagined myself in that👨🚀
And all the space agencies in NASA like ISRO and Roscosmos was absolutely fantastic ❤️
Directly that amazing Apollo 13 vibe throughout, the deliciously realistic science and intense space-travel scenarios are surpassed by the powerful family drama and chemistry ❤️And the scene from Ram's childhood was amazingly beautiful when he said about "PUSHPAK VIMAN"🤩
Amazing writing and acting! All are at their best here.This is MANDATORY viewing, for the powerful positive messages and the important questions -- answered and unanswered that feel ultra-relevant in our current troubled world and especially that message when Ato said about changing earth seeing mars🌎.
Can't wait for next season 🌌💖