4.6 stars and 98% on RT.
Thought, right I just hit the jackpot let's do this. Little did I know society and I aren't the same, in any ways.
What was this?
Someone mentioned under 1 star 'next time I'm gonna come to the 1 star reviews to see the honest truths before deciding to waste time'. Well my thoughts are the same.
Soooooooo boring and couldn't relate to anyone at all... you know the feeling when you're watching through the pilot and you're thinking 'wow ...something has got to happen ...surely ...' then you check how long you've been watching because it feels about 2 hours and turns out your in 20mins. You tell yourself to wait as you might get attached or interested ..it might take time you know so you end up watching the second episode too and only turn it off halfway through the 3rd one realising you got 1.5 hours older and majority of your brain cells have been destroyed by dome illogical behaviour and some weird zero connection, racist twistless plot...
There's this chair show thing in there like rich people stuff I don't get it like some exhibition for the brainless rich. That bit represents the whole TV show really. It's the same as the chair exhibition thing... weird, illogical, makes no sense, no connection, who would be interested ? Why? What's up?
Seriously? I'm only writing this because I cannot believe people reached 98% with their reviews and 4.6 stars on here. Oh I really hope people will come to read this before they set off onto the land of confused boredom of a time-wasting muck-yard