My cousins gaslit me into thinking Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra wasn’t in this movie, even though I KNOW from the very core of my brain that it is indeed, in this movie. I distinctly remember hearing the iconic 1977 hit playing over a montage of Megamind training Titan and seducing Roxanne. I found a clip of this scene on YouTube and showed it to them. “SEE?!!” I cried out as I frantically waved my phone in their faces. They all laughed at me and claimed that the song had been edited into that scene, and that it was nothing more than a fan edit, declaring I was delusional. Quickly reacting to their manipulator tactics, I whipped my phone away as my fingers typed in a panic to seek the truth. I went onto the Dreamwork's fandom wiki page and right there before my eyes, Mr. Blue Sky was noted as being used in Megamind. Surly this was enough? Surly they would see the error in their accusations and come to know my word as the one honest truth? To my dismay, they shook their heads and chuckled. They turned their snooty little noses upwards, with deceit and malice gleaming in their eyes. With their long gangly fingers pointed down at me they spat out the words “ False. We believe you to be the admin of that page. We smell your deception. We know your sins. Repent now cousin, or face a life of disownment.” I couldn’t. I could see in their shadowed faces just how far gone they really were. Corrupted. I knew if I dared to speak the truth any longer that I was at risk of being sucked into the madness that consumed them. I bolted away from them as the world around me turned red. Fire erupted from the ground, rocks crumbled beneath my feet, and the sky ripped open into a fiery rage. As I sprinted for my life, I turned to see that my cousins were gone, and instead what stood in their place was a creature beyond my comprehension. It continued to morph as I struggled to focus on it. It never quite took a recognizable form, but it looked like a biblical angle, with four giant wings, and a million eyes all staring straight through me. It emanated dishonesty and hate, and it was now hurtling towards me. I tore my eyes away from the creature, kicking up dirt as I sprinted from my once cousins. I reached my car, barely reversing out of the drive way and onto the road before it caught up to me. I shifted my car into drive and stomped on the pedal, my back tires skirting as I lurched forward, barely evading the horrifying and disfigured creature. I could see it getting smaller in the distance as I drove to safety. I didn’t know what to make of the horrors that I witnessed that day, and I still don’t. All I know is that my truth is too important to share, and that nothing will stop me from doing so. So let it be known, here and now I declare to you and the world; MR. BLUE SKY IS IN MEGAMIND