"I have to watch this movie" I demanded from myself.
I was drawn by the title, the cast, (mostly to the credit of the legendary Nicholas Cage - I mean, who doesn't love to watch Nicholas Cage be Nicholas Cage?).
Add to it all the fact that this movie is being shown in some cinemas around the world!! This movie must be Fire!!
Review before movie? For what? It has Nic Cage, fight scenes, Aliens and the title Jiu Jitsu!! Hands down, Nuff said!!
Let me tell you folk, I couldn't believe what I was watching...It had to be intentional.
30 minutes in I paused the movie, searched for my phone and typed "Jiu Jitsu reviews", in the hopes of finding a merciful, pleasant surprise that would contradict the menacing conclusion I was darn near reaching with a sunken heart and teary eyes.
The most entertaining thing about the 2020 movie - titled - 'Jiu Jitsu' is the review section on google.
Encountering as many people - as you will find when you scroll through these reviews - with the exact shockingly awful shared experience is almost gracefully therapeutic, you could be forgiven to mistakenly thinking, you had entered an online support group.
Reading all the terrible reviews at some point becomes comically relieving because as sad as it may be, it's funnier to witness how true everything said, by every single person, who posted a single star rating, was. Full stop.
You end up getting so carried away with a passion of defeated disappointment, that its interesting to note the number of people who made grammatical errors in their punctuation and typos. I'm not exaggerating. Please scroll through, you'll see; the reviews are riddled with typing errors, beleve me I'm serrious. 😂
If you watched this movie, forgive yourself and have a great day. It's just a movie after all.