Huge roster and fun Smash title.. When I can actually play the game! Sadly the internet based player connection needs some work. I despite having 100mbs connection continue to have my OPPONENTS disconnect from me constantly and have been given at least 4 1-2 hour long bans from playing online. This PROBLEM needs to be addressed, I should not have been banned nearly 10 times from playing online without me being the one disconnecting even one single time! This as well as the lack of a Random option in online matches both make this Smash game the one that makes me more angry than any other. I am a long time smash player and have been in the tournament scene for nearly 8 years. Being constantly banned despite having great sportmanship and never leaving a match early just to be banned every other time I play the game online is infuriating and mind-numbingly stupid oversight for the development team. Please fix this unfair treatment of your long-term player base.