the show is truly amazing. it shows what most teenagers look like, not the perfect faces with no acne at all. the lgbtq+ rep was amazing too because the show didn’t focus on the coming out part. they didn’t even show any coming out unlike most movies or tv shows were that’s the whole point of the movie/show. i also appreciated how simon and his dad had a hard relationship but it wasn’t because he was gay it was because of other reasons. most shows make the characters fully centered around their sexuality and it being the only thing they are, but this show doesn’t. the two main characters are lgbtq and it’s not the only problem they deal with. wilhelm throughout it trying to figure out his sexuality while still dealing with this life he doesn’t want and getting betrayed by someone in his family.
i also enjoyed how the actors weren’t like 30 trying to portray 16/17 year olds. all the actors are very young which i enjoy very much because it shows how people will actually look around those ages. also each character dealt with things how a teen would. like how wilhelm has panic attacks. from my experience of the ones i’ve had him and i deal with it in very similar ways as to how something so small made his come up, which i completely get. i felt more connected to him than i have with many other characters. even if you find a character you relate to a lot you won’t find it hard to relate in someways to others, besides maybe august.
you should really check this show you out. you most definitely won’t be disappointed plus it’s only six episodes and if you watch the english dubbed wilhelm and simon are dubbed by the actors that play them so it’s the direct transition.
i really hope you check it out so there can be a season two!!!