I loved this game in the beta and bought the founders pack to play early. Been playing almost every day since then. The fun starts to wear off once your gear gets higher and you become starved for starseed to be able to upgrade anything anymore. Upgrading in itself is not only expensive but you fail more than you succeed and waste tons of starseed. It gets to the point where you may get just enough starseed to upgrade 2 times and it fails both times. Then your stuck farming for items to sell on the marketplace for starseed in a market where the best stuff you can get sells for few starseed. Its seems very broken and very unfair. It brings more frustration than joy.
Also the dungeon keys are kind of a joke right now. You get 2 per day and they just started giving you 2 chests instead of one for the dungeons. Before this recent update you were able to spend a key on a chest and get some decent items occasionally. Now....you get 2 chests with more garbage than before for one dungeon then your basically done until the next day. Doesn't make sense to do dungeons currently. Hopefully they fix these things sooner rather than later.
Its an excruciating experience to level and you find yourself doing a daily routine that gets old pretty quick. I've lost interest at this point but still have hope they can turn things around. It needs a good amount of work still.