This is not the send off that I would have thought to happen. I went in with no expectations - I did not bother to chime in on early movie screening critiques or other fans, etc; I went to see it for myself and I must say that I'm very disappointed.
I'm not satisfied as an X-men fan, but it's ok. Thank you anyway for bringing it to the silver screen, at least I got to see it none the less. Though, it probably would have been more fitting if they were able to produce one or two more movies that lead up to the Dark Phoenix.
It gave me a "Logan" vibe in the beginning of the movie; which was cool. I was very happy about that. What I mean by "a Logan vibe" is that I knew it was a more serious approach, more so a thriller than a "superhero" movie, kinda ish. They still kept the traditional voice over intro and backstory in the beginning of the movie - but maybe for this one, they should have included what went on with the Phoenix force in space as well? I think it would have helped it to flow better and made more sense.
Anyway, as the movie progressed I became bored with it. There were several moments when I just KNEW something epic was going to happen, and then it didn't. A lot of the acting was not believable, for me. It was like watching a test run. I couldn't take it serious.
Also, there were too many call back lines from previous movies in the franchise. I get what they were trying to achieve but I think it could have been executed WAAAAY better. There were moments where the climax in a scene could have been way more intense but, nope. Needless to say, this movie just didn't "bring it" for me. It wasn't as dark as it could have been or as the trailers lead it to be. BUT I must say, the fight scenes were pretty cool and the best scene to me was when she said "walk to me" - yet still, resulted in letting me down again afterwards. The train scene in the psychic mind of the professor was super cheesy.
The ending was a terrible cliche. Every time an X-movie pertains to the phoenix, we only truly see the fire bird at the end of all 4 movies (X2, Apocalypse, and now this one) with the exception of "The Last Stand." I think that it would have been dope to see it at least 1 and a half other times during the movie to give her character a better arc. The musical scoring was really nice, just... I don't know, I wasn't feeling it as much for this movie. They should have waited longer or developed this more before releasing.
Just my opinion. Go see it for yourselves.... I'm going to attempt to catch it at a matinee to see if my views change but, I won't be paying full price.