Well if youre going to tell a lie you might as well tell a big one eh !
Ive never laughed so much in my life
Lord only knows how this book with its ridiculous fabricated racial history ever got published It is frankly cringe inducing, with the deluded, perhaps just simple author, attributing all sorts of inventive firsts to black historical people despite the truth being easy to reference
One gets the feeling someone saw this man carrying a white protester away from a baying crowd of violent BLM rioters, saw a book sales opportunity and simply sent a ghost writer over to the mans house to prepare this work of utter stupidity
Perhaps sensing it wasnt a good idea to question a black man on the voracity of black history details they just went ahead and printed..
Normally Id sat stay away from such a book, same as I would if a White person wrote a book claiming credit for the work or legacy of a black man, however this is priceless in terms of hilarity and as a vacuous work of nonsense its worth having just to show your friends