If you aren't already a consumer of wisdom about life and death that the internet dispenses so generously,this book could hold some novelty value for you. But if you have had your fair share of disadvantages and disappointments in life, which made you look up google, then inwards and upwards, this book is just a rehash of the aforementioned internet wisdom, the ubiquity of which takes away a good part of its gravitas. This book, essentially tries to showcase the transformational journey of an entitled "potty mouthed" youth, who through his failures, rejections and vicarious experience of death learns the values essential to lead a meaningful and satisfying life. But at no point of time I found myself admiring this man for his struggles and subsequent victories, probably because there wasn't anything significant or really daunting. Moreover the tone and tenor of the book hint at the existence of the same arrogant, entitled brat the author was before he chanced upon the wisdom he used as raw material for this book.