I don’t really like writing bad reviews and I definitely don’t make a habit of it, but this movie was super disappointing. At least in comparison to the others. Why would Malcom, one of the smartest characters in the franchise, even consider bringing his daughter to the park? Not to mention Sarah and Nick were possibly some of the plainest characters I’ve ever seen for this series and they literally never followed a lick of logic. The T-Rex walked around the city and killed multiple people and a dog and literally no warning was issued to the citizens or any authorities, Kelly (a literal child) did a gymnastics flip and killed a raptor and the main characters themselves ran and screamed away from the Rex even when Malcom himself told them not to (and then immediately after, he THANKED them for ignoring him and getting his daughter chased by said T-Rex? What?)
All in all, feel free to enjoy the movie and I recommend watching it either way so you can form your own opinions, but I personally will continue to pretend this movie never happened.