Watched first couple of episodes. Hmm. I thought this might be comparable to Darkness:Those Who Kill and Blinded:Those Who Kill even though the characters are different.
HINT…It’s not. It’s trying to be more American feel than Scandi-noir. The first episode just about hangs together although it’s soooo cliched. Troubled cop enlists troubled psych helper who has had a bad experience in the past. Of course, we have to see him lecturing and her walk in on the lecture just as always.
Episode 2 is more like Keystone Cops. I’ll save you the spoilers but there are several moments where you’re asked not just to suspend disbelief, but to suspend all brain function gained since you were about 10. It’s laughably bad.
First story seems to be wrapped up in 2 episodes. I haven’t watched 3 but assume it’s a new case. So this is not a series which uses the TV series format like a one story boxset. As a result it feels more like a poor TV movie. Strange choice and disappointing given quality which has been coming out of Denmark.