A mesmerising documentary with stunning footage of wildlife in its natural habitat of forests and mountain tops as well as plenty of exposure to the beautiful landscapes in autumn turning into winter. José DÃaz, the cinematographer and protagonist, is the eyes,ears and emotional heartbeat for the audience to appreciate and gain insight into José's emotional journey during his 100 days of solitude. He gives up all modern day comforts, except for a mountan hut roof over his head at night. Otherwise everything else is back to basics: cold showers, or a cold dip in a lake, long walks or climbs on his own two legs and occasionally with Atila, his horse, who helps carry equipment on his back. What I am so touched by in this film is the sincere, natural and down-to-earth recording of José's experience with understandably rollercoaster emotions. The wild animals in all their glory just seem to highlight how challenging and alien it is for 21st century man to turn back the clock and survive without the customary basic creature comforts of a first world country. Yet the human soul finds enormous comfort and peace by connecting with nature in spite of the harsh elements. I highly recommend this gem of a film, because I feel José will dazzle you too, with his resiliance, stamina, natural charm and impressive attention to detail.