PROS: The bosses in this game make the Mechanic of running out of MAGIC and TIME fun, they're decently challenging and getting down the patterns is fun, the story is good too, with a surprising twist if you haven't played Touhou 6: Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil, and the upgrades and secrets in this game are good
CONS: The game constantly has you slowing down WAY too much for your TIME and MAGIC gage to refill, the enemies are usually fine, but sometimes they get obnoxious at best and unfair at worst, the Red Mist Mechanic makes the already glaring issue of waiting for your TIME gage even worse, and the Shop expects WAY too much gems for so little return. On top of all of this Saves and Health Regens are WAY too spread apart when you have the shop being overpriced with recoveries that don't do much, it gets outright annoying by the late game
Overall, it's fun for Metroidvania fans who want a hard challenge, but if you don't want to wait 5 minutes for your gages to refill, maybe skip this and play a different Metroidvania game