This Cowboy did not miss his mark.
Love it or Hate it,
(Cowboy Bebop is a hit!)
Despite mixed reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, the live action film adaptation is a gut wrenching, jaw dropping, gun slinging, Futuristic love story, thriller with non-stop action at turn. Although this is more of a retake, not a remake on the Cult classic Anime from 1998 it still holds true to specific elements of the original story & bravely takes on the bold task of re-imagining a detailed plot with rich back stories for all its characters.
Not to mention that if you love Sci-fi the CGI alone is enough of a reason to watch this series. Crisp clean stunning visuals from start to finish all while pulling off a gritty industrial feel "Effortlessly Organic".
AAAAaand as if that's not enough the entire score is set to Jazz hence the name Bebop. 5 stars all the way hoping for season 2 soon