This movie was so god awful I was compelled to write my first movie review to warn others. It made me way less empathetic towards Diana’s plight, if this was historically accurate which it doesn’t appear to be. It seems possible that this movie was created to paint Diana in a negative light (which in and of itself is like CMON LOL MOVE ON) and they did an amazing job there because she looks highly unstable throughout the film, which is quite a sliver of how she was. It gives poor little rich girl. Why does this movie have good reviews? Coupled with the headache-inducing erratic jazz music you find absolutely no story development or character arcs of anyone, including Diana! It was lazy writing, Stewart is twirling around in half the scenes and we get it she’s flipping out from the beginning to end and you’d think being bulimic was her whole personality. When you consider how millions of dollars when into creating this film, it really makes you wonder. I thought Stewart was a good cast initially but she was just ok and forgettable. End was the best part (for multiple reasons). As my friend said when we were watching it, it’s DP Porn. Yawn. An Oscar Nom template in the worst way possible. I might never risk watching a new movie ever again.